Videodatabase Videos Platform

Most videos of this data base have been processed by the project software, so they have subtitles in the original language and most of the EU languages. Thanks to the video processing and the subtitling, the searches of videos can be made in any language, resulting in a list of all the videos related to the searched topic, in all the existing languages of the platform, braking any barrier of language.

The search portal allows to filter by labels, by keywords, or just use the automatic searching machine, resulting in a list of proposed videos on the selected thematic.

This software allows you to

Video to Audio

Read the audio content of the video.

Speech to Text

Transform the audio into text, creating subtitles and storing the data.


Translate the subtitles into main EU language.

Automatic labeling

Create automatic labelling of the video, identifying main topics and video thematic.

About it

How it works?

Data for every video will be stored together with encoded information from other European videos, allowing users to search for specific content using multiple filters and key words, in order to obtain customized reports on the training material available for each selected topic.

Language is not a limitation because every video is translated, so searches in one language will provide comparison with multilingual videos.

The results of the queries can be displayed in the screen or as a report, where the different results coming from different countries are displayed and compared. Users will be able to include several related searches, like an index of learning units, and the software will provide the report with the results of every learning unit included.

About Digitaleus

Digital solutions for more efficient organizations.

Training as a bridge for digital divide of society.

Video as a knowledge storage and training tool.

These are our 3 pillars.

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