The world is becoming digital

Digital transformation affects the whole society

Data analysis, our way to make decissions

Data gathering, analysis and management is one of the key vectors in organizations development around Europe. 

Who is Digitaleus?​

We are a company developing innovative digital solutions for institutions all around Europe.


Digitaleus support business and administration in the strategic decision taking, thanks to data management and quality review of procedures.

A company for providing solutions

Data mining

Our main power

A strict teacher that has been teaching since the age of 16. Stella won’t give you any slack, so you will have to do the very best work you’ve done in your life.


Our daily work

DIGITALEUS expertise covers the development of educational courses in several life stages such as young education, VET education and adult education

ICT developpers

Our passion

ICT Tools are key instruments for the new way of sharing knowledge and providing training all around the world. Making the knowledge accessible, easy to find, and providing it in an attractive format have to be the premises of the ICT tools for knowledge sharing

Knowledge management
is the key to success

ICT Tools are key instruments for the new way of sharing knowledge and providing training all around the world. Making the knowledge accessible, easy to find, and providing it in an attractive format have to be the premises of the ICT tools for knowledge sharing.

Video data as a main data mine

Nowadays, we go to videos to learn about concepts, methodologies, experiences; as well as for overall learning through video tutorials, demos, how-tos, expert interviews, product reviews, and presentations

Our projects and collaborations

Our daily services

Take a peek inside our day to day

About Digitaleus

Digital solutions for more efficient organizations.

Training as a bridge for digital divide of society.

Video as a knowledge storage and training tool.

These are our 3 pillars.

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